How to Create Dollhouse Props

Iris has always loved dollhouses. Every time we visited someone that was an owner of one Iris asked if she couldn’t get one. The first time she asked was just before she turned three. We then thought she was a bit young for it. Iris doesn’t exactly have a history of always being that careful with her toys. A year later for her fourth birthday she wanted one but by that time it was something else she wished for even more. Then finally at her fifth birthday she got one and she was completely happy. I believe a doll house is one of those toys that keeps being fun for a long time. For example Iris doesn’t do any role-playing with it yet but she very much enjoys to tuck them in at night and to rearrange their furniture.

One thing that we immediately talked about doing was to create some props for the house. We bought a type of clay that you first shape and then harden in the oven. It is the best material for creating tiny things and it comes in so many colours. Iris decided to make a cake of pancakes and blueberry jam. We also decided that the children of the house needed toys. Once we got started it was hard to finish. It was so much fun and Iris kept saying that everything becomes more fun when you do it together with someone ( I think she was a little worried that I would get tired of it but I enjoyed it just as much as she did ). The coolest thing was when the props were ready and Iris was placing them in the house. She was so proud!

“Everything is more fun when you do it together with someone”, so cute!

Your hands are your best access when you work with clay.

But we also had some great tools.
Some of the props we created. The cake was the masterpiece. Designed and created by Iris! It looks really delicious!
The family pets!
Dad is changing a diaper and mom is hunting a toddler!
Children having fun!
The house gnomes. Iris wanted to create these little gnomes since we have one in our house. Our house gnome is very friendly and comes at night to help clean the house! He is also a bit shy and because of this it’s rare to catch a glimpse of see him.
Some nice decorations.
 And toys for the children.
Making this was truly fun. I felt like we could be doing it for hours. But finally it was time for dinner and we had to wrap it up. We will definitely create more props another day.

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