Bracing Red and Green Party Salad


Last week my daughter turned 6. It has been two weeks full of birthday planning and celebrations. And in the middle of all the cakes, cookies and sweets I truly felt a should at least try to sneak some veggies in. It’s not at all that Iris doesn’t enjoy her greens because she really does. Although for a six year-old, birthday celebrations tend to go more hand in hand with the sweet things mentioned above.

I decided to create a green dish tasty enough to compete with all the birthday sweets. And you know what? It succeeded! The combination of ingredients full of colour, vitamins and antioxidants made us all wish for more. And with red grapes (organic of course) and pomegranate being some of Iris’s favourite eats, it was hard to fail.

This Bracing Red and Green Party Salad is full of colour and flavour. When I choose my veggies I always think of colour. The more colour the better, because lots of colour means lots of good stuff for my body! This dish might be the most nutritious recipe on my blog. Real Super Food! If you ate some of this every day I sure you would feel great. I do have to add that this is not a salad that you will eat for it’s nutritious benefits but more for it’s incredible flavour!


Bracing Red and Green Salad


  • 1 pomegranate
  • 1 red pepper
  • 200 g red grapes
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 50 g parsley
  • 20 g mint


  • zest and juice from 1 lemon
  • 3 tbsp olive oil
  • 1/2 tsp salt


1. Wash and drain all the veggies and fruit. Open the pomegranate and remove the seeds. Place the seeds in a bowl. Dice the pepper in small pieces and cut the grapes in halves. Split the tomatoes in halves and remove the seeds. Dice the tomatoes in small pieces. Add all the fruit and veggies to the bowl with pomegranate.

2. Wash the parsley and mint. Dry the herbs in a salad spinner or leave to drain on a kitchen towel. Chop the herbs in smaller pieces and add to the fruit and vegetables.

3. Place the zest of the lemon in the bottom of a big salad bowl. Add the lemon juice, olive oil and salt. Give it a quick blend and then add the content of the other bowl (fruit and veggies). Toss around until all the salad is covered in dressing. Serve it on the side of a bigger meal or as a part of a buffet. Enjoy!


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